JUNE 25, 2019 – An eight-session series concluded for Cohort 5. The commencement celebration was held with their supervisors, bosses, and colleagues at the brand-new American Savings Bank campus.  This cohort was comprised of community change agents and leaders from eight non-profit organizations and three state departments: Blue Zones Project, Hawai‘i Alliance of Non-Profit Organizations (HANO), Honolulu Habitat for Humanity, Kamehameha Schools, Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i, Papa Ola Lokahi, Partners in Development, Queen Lili‘uokalani Trust, and Hawai‘i State Department of the Attorney General and the Hawai‘i State Department of Health, and Human Services.

This cohort gathered around the organizing principle of “Leveraging Resources for Shared Clients,” and their Springboard to Action projects reflected systems approaches to change. An example is a group of eight (8) participants who presented “One Shared Hawai‘i Island,” which will “convene the One SHARED Hawaiʻi Island Consortium [to] collaboratively tackle some of the biggest issues that face Hawai‘i Island.” Along with the rest of Cohort 5, they are reimagining how our community can work together for a brighter future.