Core Team
Karen Aka
Experience Designer & Facilitator EmeritaKaren Aka Experience Designer & Facilitator Emerita Karen Aka has been involved in education...
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Selena Ching
Director of Programs & OperationsSelena Ching Director of Programs & Operations Selena is all about mission: she has worked in...
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Chris Pating
Director of Consulting Services & FacilitatorChris Pating Facilitator Christopher Pating is a management consultant and loves to get people excited...
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Jennifer Schember-Lang
Director of Administrative ServicesJennifer Schember-Lang Director of Administrative Services Jennifer’s career in Hawai‘i spans...
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Rachael Wong
Founder & Strategic AdvisorRachael Wong Founder & Strategic Advisor Rachael has dedicated her career to improving quality...
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Team members and partners
Bryn Pane`e Burkhart
Executive Coach & FacilitatorBryn Pane`e Burkhart Executive Coach & Facilitator Bryn Pane‘e Burkhart is an Executive Coach...
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Andrea Dias-Machado
Huliau Aloha LLC Owner, FacilitatorAndrea Dias-Machado Huliau Aloha, LLC Owner, Facilitator Andrea serves as an agent of positive change...
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Darrel Galera
Facilitator & Strengths CoachDarrel Galera Facilitator & Strengths Coach Before retiring from the Hawaii DOE in 2014, Darrel...
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Lokai Kukahiko
CoordinatorLokai Kukahiko Coordinator Lokai has had experience with grassroots, nonprofit work all of her life....
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Chris Molina
FacilitatorChris Molina Facilitator Passion, joy, humor, a relentless dedication to learning, and the power...
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Jennifer Oyer
CoordinatorJennifer Oyer Coordinator Jennifer’s passion to serve others and the community, combined with...
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Dave Viotti
SMALLIFY Founder & Coach, FacilitatorDave Viotti SMALLIFY Founder & Coach, Facilitator Dave Viotti is the founder and CEO of SMALLIFY,...
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Aubrey Yee
Transformational Leadership Coach, Futurist & FacilitatorAubrey Yee, PhD Transformational Leadership Coach, Futurist & Facilitator Aubrey is a futurist,...
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Kaulana Yoshimoto
Kaigen CoachKaulana Yoshimoto, PhD Kaigen Coach Dr. Kaulana earned his doctoral degree in Developmental Psychology...
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